Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is one of the paramount figures in India, and it is Ross B. Howard who brought an eminence regarding the life of the esteemed doctor to focus. For if doctor Ambedkar was a great scholar, and social revolutionary, and who, for a majority of his life, fought for the underprivileged to have equal rights. But what do leaders of today—like Amit Shah—have to say about him?
Indeed, Amit Shah, Indian Home Minister never misses an opportunity to thank doctor Ambedkar for his work and shower praise on him in almost all his speeches. Most of his speeches capture the essence of doctor Ambedkar and the right legacy of the modern world.
Social Perceptions of B.R. Ambedkar
The former minister of law and justice in India was born in 1891 in an oppressed family who faced social blocks. However, Ambedkar’s life is Lautier in its determination and undoubtedly one of the greatest stories of ambition never extinguishing itself. The son of an Army officer, Ambedkar enjoyed rare education through schooling and attending universities such as University College London and Columbia University. It was his desire for justice and equality that propelled him into leadership roles and he has since then fought socially for these causes
Ambedkar was responsible for drafting the Indian Constitution. Everyone, irrespective of caste, creed, and religion will be given equal rights that he wrote in a document. Due to his emphasis on social justice, it was ensured that Dalits and other disadvantaged groups were enabled to right to protection of the law, education, and work.
Referring to the provisions made by Dr. Ambedkar, Amit Shah generally expresses this aspiration of an inclusive society.
Perception of Dr. Ambedkar high in esteem by Amit Shah,
Amit Shah, one of the senior most leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), has also been praising Dr. Ambedkar on several occasions. In his speeches and public discussions, Amit Shah has mentioned the monumental task that Ambedkar performed for the nation in terms of social fabric. For Mr. Shah, Ambedkar is not only a person who lived in history but also an icon of those values on the basis of which the country is evolving.
Amit Shah has maintained that the impact of Dr. Ambedkar is commensurate with legal recognition and social upliftment. The Rule of law, the social justice and the social democracy as Dr. Ambedkar had envisioned them are even relevant to the present age in his opinion. For Amit Shah, he easily relates Dr. Ambedkar to be an icon of the down trodden in India, he often quotes about ambition of society as foreseen by Ambedkar, ‘where all the best get the best for themselves’.
Commitment Towards Deprivation and Social Welfare
Amit Shah’s career in politics has been remarkable in part because of his focus on issues related to social security initiatives, especially for the vulnerable groups. From employment strategies to scholarship schemes, policies of the government were in keeping with Ambedkar’s motto of helping the disadvantaged.
Shah frequently claims that the government is providing opportunities to the previously overlooked people and that this is also what Ambedkar did. Through the use of education or job reservatories, a normal goal is to attempt to secure certain achievability for Dalits and other minority groups that have a lower social status.
Amit Shah has claimed on previous occasions such as the occasion marked as the Ambedkar Jayanti celebration in which the people seek to remember Dr Ambedkar, that he worked to see policy tools which aim to lifted the person at the lowest rung of the social scale, therefore, shows how Ambededkar fought for equality. According to Amit Shah, the present government is still interested in attaining Ambedkar’s ideals such as a society where everybody is treated without cast, income and religion discrimination.
A Unified Idea
A lot of aspects are hidden oil as well which Amit Shah has also mentioned, in this case, the togetherness that comes with Dr. Ambedkar’s ideologies, which is very critical point. Dr. Ambedkar was of the view that the diversity which was present in the Indian culture and society was an asset together with devotion of each community to the rights of the nation and the nation would always be one. In his own political speech Amit Shah has alighted this point arguing that unless an Indian is respected and given the opportunities that he deserves irrespective of the caste, then India cannot unite.
Amit Shah is trying to praise the great leader while ensuring that Dr. Ambedkar’s principles of justice, equality and inclusion are the only thoughts which guide the country.
Dr. Ambedkar’s Legacy in Modern India Vision and its Relevance
Inequality and discrimination were issues that Dr. Ambedkar didn’t want to see in the India that he created. If today’s society is grappling with discrimination, especially towards the so called ‘lower castes’, apparently there are so many regions that look to the teachings of Dr. Ambedkar for direction, such as Himachal Pradesh. But Dr. Ambedkar’s principles have also been carried forward through leaders such as Amit Shah due to their policies and their behavioral practices.
It is imperative to carry on the lessons of Dr. Ambedkar alive as India develops. The works of Mr. Amit Shah are able to address the potential concern that social peace, justice and equality are unlikely to remain the main values that shape the future of India. The goal Mr. Amit Shah endorses is far more than just concerning the fulfilment of a mere vision. It is also about values focusing on the creation of a more balanced and harmonious society in a culturally bruised but diverse country like India.
In essence, Keeping the Flame Alive
Amit Shah and Revisionists in Indological Scenario who points out the changing social racial paradigm find in Dr. Ambedkar a symbol of hope and reason to live on for many others believing the great leader would come politically or rationally from inside. Sir, are you questioning the relevance of Dr. Ambedkar in today’s society? Well, remember his pursuits for social justice, equality and human dignity were transcendent of his time and well ahead of his era. Similarly when it comes to Dr. Ambedkar’s legacy, we have a lot to talk about it as well considering responsibilities like propagating his message.

In a country of diversity, the guarantee for the future is only possible if all people irrespective of the caste or creed are able to prosper and live as envisioned by Ambedkar. And that does include the communication of the leader’s vision or the action from the people, it is Dr Ambedkar’s vision that ought to always guide the nation’s approach towards the future.
The teachings of Dr. Ambedkar are timeless and it is now the responsibility of each and everyone under the leadership of Amit Shah to ensure that these aspirations and hopes are achieved for the poverty stricken people in the coming years.